Brrrrrrrr. So this is winter. Snow, ice and mercury that hasn’t risen above zero for days.
That coldness outside has seeped into my head and is manifesting itself as a dose of Christmas snuffles. Warming liquids are called for.
...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it
Brrrrrrrr. So this is winter. Snow, ice and mercury that hasn’t risen above zero for days.
That coldness outside has seeped into my head and is manifesting itself as a dose of Christmas snuffles. Warming liquids are called for.
Will chocolate become the new caviar?
That was the question asked on NPR’s news blog last week.
With farmers in Africa abandoning cocoa for crops that are easier to grow and monetise, the piece painted a futurescape of ever scarcer cocoa beans and ever more expensive bars of chocolate (I mean really, as if our economic woes weren’t bad enough…).
Whether this grim prediction regarding our most beloved of confections holds up, I am not qualified to say. Whether it is worth paying a premium for any chocolate, on that, at least I have an opinion, which is that the very good stuff is often worth the extra (though, in the Irish case, we may have to go to the European Central Bank or the International Monetary Fund to get the necessary spondulicks).
If indeed it is the good stuff you’re after (and you’re feeling suitably solvent) you may want to consider the chocolate of Claudio Corallo, described (by people I can only presume to be more knowledgeable than I) as the best chocolate in the world. No pressure there, then.
I went to last weekend’s Temple Bar Chocolate Festival for the chocolate, but was utterly charmed by the chocolatiers – a whole lot of people demonstrating a whole lot of dedication to the cause of cacao.
The enthusiasm of Gillian Walsh, for example, who blogs at Some Say Cocoa, Some Say Cacao, had lead to her conducting a truffle-making class as part of the festival. This was truffle-making 101, aimed at those whose experience ran to eating, rather than making, chocolate truffles. Perfect for me, in other words, and I was more than happy to discover that truffle-making doesn’t have to be at all complicated.
The rest of my festival experience was composed, I would say, of equal parts listening and tasting.
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