We interrupt this post for a short public service announcement.
It appears that I’ve been nom, nom, nominated in the blogger category for the Entertainment.ie Annual Awards – woohoo! I’d be honoured if you voted for me here.
Thank you. We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.
“It’s nearly midnight”.
Myself and KD were skirting close to that cinderella time of night, when it was best to leave before turning into something less than beautiful. We had spent the previous several hours at a lovely New Zealand wine tasting arranged by the good folks at Curious Wines. Guiding us through our suppage was Joyce Austin of New Zealand Boutique Wines, as we worked our way through 11 wines and played guess-the-grape and describe-that-taste (with, it has to be said, mixed success – frankly I blame the chili I had for dinner). We were very diligent about drinking everything that was poured for us, though, to the point of there being much giddiness at our table. Luckily, though my recall might be hazy, my notes tell me that the two which most appealed to my palate that evening were a 2008 reisling and 2006 pinotage, both from the Muddy Water winery. My wine horizons, I feel, continue to expand.

It's like this - you swirl the wine, then keep a firm grip of your glass lest anyone try to make off with it
Whaddya Sayin’?