...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Temple Bar Cultural Trust (Page 1 of 2)

Circus Of The Vegetables

Temple Bar Summer Sensational

Sensational indeed.

The Temple Bar Summer Sensational, which started yesterday and runs until Sunday, is serving up a feast for the senses in and around Dublin’s Temple Bar. The festival menu, put together by the Temple Bar Cultural Trust, is bursting with drama, music, art, film, comedy, dance and, well, vegetables.

Cirque de legume chilli in mouth

Wrap your laughing gear around Cirque de Légume

Yesterday evening, as part of the festival, Cirque de Légume dished up what was by far the most creative and entertaining vegetable medley I have ever seen. Here’s the recipe.

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Spud Sunday: Taking Up Smokies

When you get an invitation that has lunch at Eden Restaurant as part of the deal, you say yes and then ask questions later.

So it was that I found myself dining stuffing my gob at Eden during the launch by the Temple Bar Cultural Trust of their well-packed 2010 programme of events (which, I am delighted to report, includes the return of the Chocolate Festival, this time making a pre-Christmas appearance in December).

Temple Bar Events 2010

However, before the gob-stuffing got underway, I wondered did my fellow lunchers notice quite how much time I had spent staring at the menu? Or if they had caught the slight trepidation in my voice as I ordered the smokies?

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Raising The Chocolate Bar

I went to last weekend’s Temple Bar Chocolate Festival for the chocolate, but was utterly charmed by the chocolatiers – a whole lot of people demonstrating a whole lot of dedication to the cause of cacao.

The enthusiasm of Gillian Walsh, for example, who blogs at Some Say Cocoa, Some Say Cacao, had lead to her conducting a truffle-making class as part of the festival. This was truffle-making 101, aimed at those whose experience ran to eating, rather than making, chocolate truffles. Perfect for me, in other words, and I was more than happy to discover that truffle-making doesn’t have to be at all complicated.

Making Chocolate Truffles

Truffle time

The rest of my festival experience was composed, I would say, of equal parts listening and tasting.

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