...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Sunday Times (Page 1 of 2)

Spud Sunday: One Look Forward, Many Looks Back

I give in. It’s the fifth day of leftovers and the umpteenth day of cake. It must surely be time to write that end-of-year blog post, if only to keep my hands busy with something other than the TV remote. So here, without further ado or fanfare, I give you 2012, the spuds-eye view.

Dad, April 2012

So long Dad, and thanks for all kinds of everything

If there is one event above all others that marks 2012, it’s the loss of my irrepressible, irreplaceable Da. I miss him every day and presume fondly that heavenly consumption of both spuds and Guinness has skyrocketed since he got there. I also presume that he would have been pleased about the many notable things that have happened during the past Daily Spud year, most of which I didn’t get to tell him about in person, and here’s hoping that 2013 will bring even more things for him to be pleased about, wherever he is.

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Spud Sunday: Cheese & Roasties

Normally, at around this time of year – and in a post that has become almost as predictable as Christmas itself – you’d find me waxing lyrical about the fine art of roasties.

I’ve had a lot to say on the subject over the past few years: there’s my comprehensive 12-step roastie program, my deliberations on the best choice of potato for your Christmas roasties (that, in my opinion, being Golden Wonder and, according to an article in this week’s Irish Examiner, I am not alone in this choice). I have also examined the (not entirely advisable) practice of freezing partially prepared potatoes ahead of time and, last year, found myself and my roasties featured in the Irish Farmers’ Journal Country Living magazine, not to mention being interviewed on the topic by an online Christmas radio station.


Can there really be anything more to say? Not much, perhaps, though I did note an addition to the Christmas roastie scene this year, with Keogh’s, ever the spud innovators, bringing out their Rudolf’s Roasting Potatoes. There’s no magic roastie trick here, just some attractive and clever packaging, with recipe included, of a couple of kilos of Rooster potatoes. They will indeed make for perfectly acceptable roasties, as will any Roosters you care to buy.

Keoghs roasting potatoes

In other news, and for those of you who may have been perusing today’s Irish edition of the Sunday Times, it was cheese, rather than roasties, that were my concern (though, come to think of it, there’s no reason why those two things cannot come together…). An article I wrote on the impressive breadth and quality of Irish farmhouse cheese made the front cover of the ‘Sunday’ section – woo! – featuring a picture of the legendary Veronica and Norman Steele, creators of Milleens cheese, the original of the Irish farmhouse cheese species. Due to an unfortunate sub-editing error – boo! – my name, however, did not appear as the article’s author. That, I’m afraid, is the black-and-white of life in the printed world.

Sunday Times Cheese cover

Today's Sunday Times 'Sunday' cover

As the content for the article lives somewhat inconveniently behind a paywall, I can’t even direct you to a readily accessible online copy. For those interested in Christmas cheeses, however, do check out this extensive guest post by Glynn Anderson, one of the authors of Farmhouse Cheeses of Ireland (and which, for the digitally inclined, is now available for the Kindle), wherein he has plenty of timely advice on putting together a festive Irish cheeseboard. Between that and the roasties, I reckon your Christmas is well sorted. I know mine is.

Spud Sunday: Cuppa Spuds

While I could probably live quite well on spuds alone – and believe me, there are far worse diets than one that is predominantly potato-based – I do find that my mornings are much the better for the existence (and consumption) of good, properly brewed coffee.

Sunday Times Coffee

Last week's Sunday Times, where I was all about the coffee
(the article lives online, but behind the Sunday Times' paywall, alas)

It was thus my great pleasure, last week, to have the opportunity to relay, via the Sunday Times, the thoughts of some of my favourite coffee people – Colin Harmon of 3FE, Karl Purdy of Coffee Angel and Paul Stack of Marco, among others – on the subject of the variable, but improving, standard of coffee available to us here in Ireland.

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