...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: spinach (Page 2 of 2)

Grasping The Nettle

Moseying down a country lane in Ireland at this time of year often involves negotiating a path somewhere between the narrow roadway on one side and the inevitable ditch full of stinging nettles on the other. Yesterday afternoon, however, as I was giving the scads and scads of nettles an advisably wide berth, I was stopped in my tracks by a single thought, and the thought was this, that here was something I could eat… Without any further ado, I beetled back to my parent’s house, with a mission in mind which was going to require a pair of thick gloves.

Stinging nettle, handle with care

Stinging nettle, handle with care

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Blessed Are The Cheesemakers…

…or so goes the line from Monty Python’s achingly funny and irreverent Life of Brian.

And let it be known that I’m quite happy to give it up for cheesemakers everywhere. I can’t really imagine life without cheese (and I’m sure that Grilled Cheese Shane would agree with me on that). I’ve even dabbled in rudimentary cheesemaking myself, at least to the extent of making homemade Indian cheese or paneer a few times.

Paneer with toasted cumin seeds

Paneer with toasted cumin seeds - just add curry

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