...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: savoy cabbage

Spud Sunday: An Edible Irish Epic

Ooh, can it be that I am in round 3 of Project Food Blog? A massive thank you to all who cast their votes my way in round 2 – I’m excited to say the least! My mission in this round? To host and present, for your delectation, a luxury dinner party. You can vote for entries in this round between October 4th and 7th (get yourself over here to do so), but first, some news headlines…
Sunday World Banner
Daily Spud In Dinner Party Near Miss

Guest Wields Spatula, Rescues Cutlery
Host Treated For Shock

The great cutlery rescue

Anxious moments: dinner party guest tries to free the cutlery drawer

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The Mighty Borscht


Bold and beautiful borscht

First Russian Salad, now borscht – you might be forgiven for thinking that The Daily Spud had packed up and moved several countries to the East. In fact, with the weather these days, you could be forgiven for thinking that the entire country had migrated somewhere east and north of its usual position. Not actually the case, though. I’m still firmly rooted in Irish soil and the country would still appear to be residing in its accustomed spot on Europe’s western fringes. It’s just that the snow and temperatures hereabouts make me feel like I’m in a Russian winter (perhaps I exaggerate slightly, but still, my extremities do have trouble thawing out these days).

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My Kind Of Kimchi

Dearie me. I was once more beset by cabbages.

Multiple heads of the green stuff were inhabiting my kitchen and wearing a look that said if I didn’t do something soon, their mate turnip would show up and then there’d be real trouble. This time, however, I would take charge of the situation. Nothing like a bit of fermentation to show those brassicas just who was boss. Yes indeed, the time had come to make kimchi.

Kimchi a la Spud

Kimchi a la Spud

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