...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: salt (Page 2 of 2)

Spud Sunday: Matters Of Import

I doubt that I will ever become a true locavore.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for the principles of eating (and drinking) locally, when and where possible, but I am ever appreciative of the ease with which we can import that which is neither cultivated nor produced here. Potato-heavy though my diet (naturally) is, I think that I would find it impossible to confine myself solely to the food and drink which emanates from within our Irish borders. Or would I?

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Spud Sunday: In Defence Of Salt

no matter what some people will tell you – salt in indispensable to good food and good cooking

Jeffrey Steingarten in his essay ‘Salt’, taken from The Man Who Ate Everything
Salt Cellar

To salt or not to salt, that is the question

I never met a potato that didn’t respond warmly to the addition of a bit of salt. I suspect that there are few, if any, who would disagree. Salt is an essential addition to spuds, as well as to many other foods. However, there are those who would contend that you can have too much of this particular good thing.

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