...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: parmesan (Page 1 of 2)

Spud Sunday: Pressure Cooking

There is nothing like a deadline to focus the mind.

I was reminded of this fact lately as the closing date for An Bord Bia’s new season potato recipe competition approached. The competition had been announced on the newly launched best in season website over the summer and, with a potato-based reputation to uphold, I was clearly going to have to enter. For weeks I reminded myself that I should do just that. But what new and amazing spudly morsel should I make? I pondered the possibilities.

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Spud Sunday: Curious Gnocchi

Oh dear.

In my capacity as a self-confessed potato anorak, I’m not entirely sure that I should admit to the following, but I see that I am going to have to come clean and reveal to the world (or to you lot, at least) the embarrassing truth.

The fact of the matter is that, until this weekend, I’d never, ever made gnocchi.

[cue momentary pause while this information sinks in]

As far as my potato repertoire went, lack of gnocchi experience had been sitting squarely in the glaring omissions category for the longest time. There was really nothing to do but face the fact and give these Italian potato dumplings a much belated whirl. And it seemed like the least I could do to make up for their much-delayed debut was to see to it that they would be washed down with some proper Italian wines. Following our most enjoyable French excursion, the guys at Curious Wines were happy to oblige with recommendations and samples for same. Things were looking good for the gnocchi launch.


There you are my little dumpling

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Spud Sunday: The (Almost) Über Tuber

Well, well, I feel like a very European spud today.

euroblog awards

Thanks to the votes of you nice folks out there, this here blog was the English-language finalist for the first Euro Blog Awards. The final selection was made by way of an old-style Eurovision jury vote on Friday at the nonick conference in Bilbao and what a nail-biter it was, with the Daily Spud leading the pack until the last jury declared. In the end, it was 2nd place for the Spud, losing by a mere point to the eventual über-blog, Netzpolitik. Still, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy, in a silver medal kind of way.

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