...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Nigel Slater

Spud Sunday: Desert Island Spud

What would you do if you had just one spud?

Would you boil it, steam it or mash it? Bake it, fry it or roast it?

Perhaps you’d chunk it up for salad or layer it into a gratin.

Or go the deep fat fryer route and turn it into crisps or chips.

It’s one of those desert island questions (albeit a desert island that comes, it would have to be said, with a fully equipped kitchen).

And the desert island answer? For me, without hesitation, the potato would have to be baked.

Baked potato

One potato, baked

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Spud Sunday: Smoky And The Salad

It was one of those moments when you try something new and you know what the joy of good food is.

So said resident sis after we had practically inhaled a lunch of mildly sweet and delicate gravad lax from Kinvara Smoked Salmon (proving that you don’t have to be famous to get quoted on this blog, but it does help if you’re related).

She’s in good company as far as her opinion of Kinvara’s smoked salmon goes. Nigel Slater and Jeffrey Steingarten are among the noteworthy food writers who have had kind words to say on that particular subject. Having worked my way through the samples very kindly sent to me, I can’t say that I would object to finding any of them on my plate (though the gravad lax remains a particular favourite).

Kinvara smoked salmon

Pressies from Kinvara Smoked Salmon

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Spud Sunday: The Art Of The Roastie

An apology is in order.

I have been guilty of taking the roastie for granted. A potato classic, known to feature regularly on my plate but yet scarcely mentioned on The Daily Spud… Oh for shame.

Nothing else for it but to make amends with a little Christmas roastie special, for it is fair to say that Christmas dinner in Ireland could not legally be defined as Christmas dinner without a great big pile of roast potatoes. So, with the assistance of the experts that reside on my kitchen bookshelf, may I present herewith my 12 step roastie program.

Crispy Roast Potatoes

Toasty roasties

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