...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: mushrooms (Page 2 of 3)

Spud Sunday: Starch-Trekkin’

Fear not. I have not, in point of fact, departed the earth’s cosy atmosphere.

I do, however, have something for you that might be considered, well, a little out there.

To borrow a Star Trekkin’ phrase, it’s risotto Jim, but not as we know it. Because why? Because potatoes have boldly gone where no potatoes have gone before: they have replaced rice as the risotto Chief of Starch.

Potato Guinness Risotto

Risotto but, er, without the rice

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Foraging About In The Irish Times

“Writing today in the Irish Times…”

Well now, that’s not a phrase I ever supposed I would use. In reference to myself, I mean.

However, gracing the pages of Wild Ireland, a special report on biodiversity published with today’s Irish Times, there are some words from yours truly on the food you might find in the wilds of Ireland – including dandelions, nettles, wild garlic, mushrooms, carrageen moss and blackberries.

It tops off a week that included a glorious gathering of Irish food bloggers, organised by Donal Skehan and Bord Bia, and about which you can expect a full report anon. Meanwhile, if you can’t get hold of a copy of the Irish Times, here’s what I had to say…

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That’s The Way I Breakfast Roll

It’s mid-yawny-morning.

The doorbell rings.

I’m not expecting anyone or anything but, lo and behold, there is a man at my door bearing gifts (woohoo, I’m all for that!) – a basket of Denny sausages, rashers, ham and 2 still-warm, foil-wrapped breakfast rolls to be precise.


…or at least it would have been if I was given to eating porky products. As it is, I haven’t done so for a long time and, when baskets of same come my way (this being precisely the first time this has happened), I swiftly pass them on to family members who are only too happy to accept.

I suppose Denny weren’t to know. They were just drawing attention to the results of their “Home Is” campaign, where they surveyed people on their thoughts about what makes a home and, as part of the deal, donated funds to The Simon Communities of Ireland, longtime champions of the homeless in this country. Good on them for that.

The delivery got me thinking, not so much about home, though, as about breakfast rolls.

Denny Breakfast Roll

Beneath that foil exterior lurks a breakfast roll

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