...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: kimchi

Spud Sunday: The Poetry Of Potatoes

Who knew there was quite so much poetry written on the subject of potatoes?

This matter was drawn to my attention by Wal, who very thoughtfully supplied me with his slightly amended version of this gem, which appeared in An Anthology of the Potato, a collection of potato poems published in 1961 for the Irish Potato Marketing Company.

We praise all the flowers that we fancy
Sip the nectar of fruit ere they’re peeled,
Ignoring the common old tater
When, in fact, he’s King of the Field.
Let us show the old boy we esteem him,
Sort of dig him up out of the mud;
Let us show him he shares our affections
And crown him with glory — The Daily Spud

I think I can guess which line he amended and I blush.

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My Kind Of Kimchi

Dearie me. I was once more beset by cabbages.

Multiple heads of the green stuff were inhabiting my kitchen and wearing a look that said if I didn’t do something soon, their mate turnip would show up and then there’d be real trouble. This time, however, I would take charge of the situation. Nothing like a bit of fermentation to show those brassicas just who was boss. Yes indeed, the time had come to make kimchi.

Kimchi a la Spud

Kimchi a la Spud

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