Think Irish, think potatoes. Think Italian, think tomatoes.
In truth, the two are not so very far apart.
...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it
Think Irish, think potatoes. Think Italian, think tomatoes.
In truth, the two are not so very far apart.
Dinner these days is a challenge.
Being in a new kitchen, I mean. With not everything in its right place. Yet.
So when Milano’s invited me to take part in their create your pizza challenge, I recall thinking that might just be a challenge too far under present circumstances.
Fortunately, they did send me the pizza dough, which, one would have to admit, helps a lot.
I think that my name is on a list somewhere. Some Italian food mafia list.
And make no mistake, they are out to feed me.
First, Milano’s invite me to come and taste their new Francesco Mazzei range. All of it. Two starters, a pasta dish and three pizzas. In one sitting.
Let me tell you that the word full doesn’t remotely cover it.
Then, when I had finished digesting that, they sent their guys around with dough balls and pizza from the new Milano At Home range (eh, don’t mind if I do, grazie mille). Perhaps they’re out to change my spudly ways (after all, with the noble exception of gnocchi, Italians don’t seem to go in much for the whole potatoes thing). Or maybe they wondered if I had opinions to share, which, when it comes to food, I generally do.
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