...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: garlic (Page 4 of 5)

Fancy A Dip?

Sometimes I think that cloning is the only way forward.

I’d go all out and order a job lot of 12 clones of myself, which might be just enough to go around. I would place one of those clones exclusively on blog-reading duty, so that I could properly keep up with all of the other blogs that I (attempt to) read. What bliss that would be.

Now before I go any further, I know that the astute among you will point out that your average spud already develops by cloning, in which case I want to know where the other 11 daily spuds have got to. A little phone call every now and then wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Meanwhile it’s just me, myself and I, snatching a few hours here and there in an attempt to take in what the populace of blogland is up to. What’s interesting, what’s new or old-but-new-to-me, what’s entertaining, what’s challenging, what’s something that I must try someday, what’s something that I’d simply never have thought of and what’s something that requires that I drop everything and go make it. I had one of those drop-everything moments this weekend when I read The Duo Dishes post about Muhammara. Er, moo who?


Drop everything and take a dip

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Spud And The Beanstalk

The story of Jack and the Beanstalk goes something like this:

Jack swaps a cow for some magic beans. Jack plants beans. Enormous beanstalk develops that stretches all the way to the clouds. Jack climbs the beanstalk (several times, in fact) and does a spot of breaking-and-entering at the home of a local giant (identifiable as such by both general size and the fact that he says fee-fi-fo-fum a lot). Jack gets himself into much trouble as a result. In the end, the beanstalk gets it.

Now, my theory is that Jack wasn’t so much in possession of magic beans but, rather, had applied too much manure to his vegetable patch. I base this on the fact that my garden is now home to several rather enthusiastic beanstalks which, I suspect, would extend all the way to the clouds if only I could find bamboo poles tall enough to support them. Instead, my french bean plants have chosen to wrap themselves around each other, weaving quite a tangled web in the process (which is probably just as well, because I would rather they didn’t head skyward and become a point of entry for visiting giants).

On the edge of the french bean tangle

On the edge of the french bean tangle

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Spud Sunday: Curious Gnocchi

Oh dear.

In my capacity as a self-confessed potato anorak, I’m not entirely sure that I should admit to the following, but I see that I am going to have to come clean and reveal to the world (or to you lot, at least) the embarrassing truth.

The fact of the matter is that, until this weekend, I’d never, ever made gnocchi.

[cue momentary pause while this information sinks in]

As far as my potato repertoire went, lack of gnocchi experience had been sitting squarely in the glaring omissions category for the longest time. There was really nothing to do but face the fact and give these Italian potato dumplings a much belated whirl. And it seemed like the least I could do to make up for their much-delayed debut was to see to it that they would be washed down with some proper Italian wines. Following our most enjoyable French excursion, the guys at Curious Wines were happy to oblige with recommendations and samples for same. Things were looking good for the gnocchi launch.


There you are my little dumpling

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