...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: delia smith

Spud Sunday: The Art Of The Roastie

An apology is in order.

I have been guilty of taking the roastie for granted. A potato classic, known to feature regularly on my plate but yet scarcely mentioned on The Daily Spud… Oh for shame.

Nothing else for it but to make amends with a little Christmas roastie special, for it is fair to say that Christmas dinner in Ireland could not legally be defined as Christmas dinner without a great big pile of roast potatoes. So, with the assistance of the experts that reside on my kitchen bookshelf, may I present herewith my 12 step roastie program.

Crispy Roast Potatoes

Toasty roasties

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Fear Of Baking

We’ve recently experienced a mini-flurry of people in my office baking homemade goodies and bringing them in to share (lucky us!). This appears to have caused a moment of mild panic for the new guy, though, who perhaps thought he would be called upon to do likewise and would, as he put it, have to face his fear of baking. Now, while there is no pressure being exerted on anyone to come up with the (baked) goods (honest!), it did get me thinking that he is by no means alone in being daunted by the thought of that particular task.

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So Many Cookbooks, So Little Time

I will never get to try all of the recipes in my cookbooks.

Ok, so maybe I don’t even want to try all of them, but clearly there are plenty that I would like to try. In practice, though, I will only ever attempt to recreate a small fraction of the dishes that lie between the bookcovers, and not for want of trying. Yes, technically, I could probably survive quite well on a much smaller cookbook allowance. What am I saying, I could (as it were) go cold turkey on my cookbooks as long as I had access to the ever-growing wealth of food writing and recipes available on the internet and the necessary patience to filter through it all. That, however, is really not the point. As recently observed over at the Constables’ Larder: “Cookbooks are a purchase of desire, not necessity.” How true that is.

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