...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Darina Allen (Page 2 of 2)

Spud Sunday: On The Wild Side

Sometimes, I wish Mother Nature would do labels.

A little sign, saying “makes great pesto” and pointing towards that untended clump of leaves at the bottom of the garden would have been really helpful. Instead, for years, I had supposed that this plant’s only part of edible interest was the flowers. Oops.

Thanks to a little research, I now know better.

Allium Triquetrum

Wild garlic - not just about the flowers, you know

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Spud Sunday: The Art Of The Roastie

An apology is in order.

I have been guilty of taking the roastie for granted. A potato classic, known to feature regularly on my plate but yet scarcely mentioned on The Daily Spud… Oh for shame.

Nothing else for it but to make amends with a little Christmas roastie special, for it is fair to say that Christmas dinner in Ireland could not legally be defined as Christmas dinner without a great big pile of roast potatoes. So, with the assistance of the experts that reside on my kitchen bookshelf, may I present herewith my 12 step roastie program.

Crispy Roast Potatoes

Toasty roasties

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