...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Culture Night

Rare Auld Dublin

I’ll come right out with it.

While there will be music and art and poetry and drama and goodness-knows-what-else on offer this coming Friday as part of Culture Night, there’s not, it would seem, much going on that relates to food and drink.

Culture Night 2010

To be fair, the slogan for the evening is “what will you see?” and not “what will you eat and drink?”, so I suppose that the opportunity to see, if not drink in, the remains of an ancient Dublin pub on the night is a reasonable compromise.

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Multi Cultures

What springs to mind when you hear the word culture?

Does it conjure up images of the arts and theatre, dahling?

Or does your mind turn to those things that help to define a shared national identity?

Or do you think, instead, of buttermilk? (in which case your view of culture would appear to be rather more bacterial than regional)

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