...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Cully and Sully

Tomorrow’s Food Today

Just how curious are you about your food?

Certainly, there is much for the inquisitive eater to chew over at the newly opened Edible exhibition in Dublin’s Science Gallery. The exhibits put food under the microscope – literally, in some cases – and cover everything from centrifuged food, where centrifrugal force is used to fashion new ingredients from familiar foods, to insects, and how we might eat them in future (I’ll let you digest that one for a moment). There’s also a nod to our own particular food (and spud) history, with heritage potatoes being grown on-site, including the infamous Lumper which failed so badly in famine times.

Edible Exhibition

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Master Chef Factor

Food is such a personal thing.

Your desert island dish may not float my culinary boat, whilst my idea of food heaven may be your notion of hell on a dinner plate. So I truly do admire anyone who is prepared to put themselves and their food forward to be judged and publicly criticised or praised, as the case may be.

Masterchef Ireland

I was reminded of that fact as the first ever season of MasterChef Ireland kicked off last week, and a batch of 50 hopefuls submitted their dishes to be scrutinised by Michelin-starred chef Dylan McGrath and restaurateur Nick Munier. The cooking abilities of the 16 who made it through the initial round will, no doubt, be tested to their limits – and then some – over the next few weeks, and their every kitchen drama will be played out on screen as they vie for the final and not-to-be-sniffed-at prize of €25,000.

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Ready, Steady, Click

Me: G’wan, make me something to eat.
You: Er, such as?

Me: Anything you like. Give it your best shot.
You: Anything?

Me: Yeah. Have you got a favourite killer dish?
You: Maybe, well, yeah, I guess I do.

Me: Well make me that then.
You: (looking skeptical) Umm, ok…

Me: Oh and take a picture.
You: A picture?

Me: Yeah, of you with the food.
You: Ah, g’way outta that.

Me: And put the words Cully & Sully somewhere in the picture.
You: Huh? (thinking this had better be good)

Me: …it could be worth €12,000.
You: Jaysus, where’s me camera?!! (and off you run…)

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