Sometimes, you read a recipe and it wrecks your head.
Case in point: while nosing around the the Idaho Potato Commission website (as you do), I happened upon this, a recipe for baked potato cookies with sour cream and chives. It fairly stopped me in my tracks, I can tell you.
It wasn’t that the recipe called for the use of mashed potato in a sweet, baked good. What with potato bakewell tarts, potato apple parcels and chocolate potato buns, I’m all over that one myself.
No, frankly, it was the chives.
Chopped, dried chives.
In a cookie.
Couldn’t get my head around it.
Neither could I get away from the fact that, in my never-ending quest to explore the far reaches of the possible, potato-wise, I was going to have to make some. The things I do for spuds, eh?
Whaddya Sayin’?