...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: chilli (Page 2 of 2)

Spud Sunday: Manly Spuds

Here follows a small public service announcement: The Daily Spud (that would be me) is a girl.

Ok, a lot of you knew that, but it hasn’t been uncommon for newcomers here to assume otherwise. There’s something about the name Spud that seems to imply solid, male qualities, as opposed to anything giggly girl-ish.

I bring this up only because of the call that went out from Carol at Simply… Gluten Free, seeking entries with a manly theme for this month’s Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free. I thought that a dish with spuds was a pretty natural manly choice, even if this here Spud happens not to be built in that manly way.


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So Many Cookbooks, So Little Time

I will never get to try all of the recipes in my cookbooks.

Ok, so maybe I don’t even want to try all of them, but clearly there are plenty that I would like to try. In practice, though, I will only ever attempt to recreate a small fraction of the dishes that lie between the bookcovers, and not for want of trying. Yes, technically, I could probably survive quite well on a much smaller cookbook allowance. What am I saying, I could (as it were) go cold turkey on my cookbooks as long as I had access to the ever-growing wealth of food writing and recipes available on the internet and the necessary patience to filter through it all. That, however, is really not the point. As recently observed over at the Constables’ Larder: “Cookbooks are a purchase of desire, not necessity.” How true that is.

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