...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: Ballymaloe (Page 1 of 2)

Spud Sunday: Beef, Salmon, Seaweed, More

What, do you suppose, is the collective noun most appropriately applied to a set of newly acquired cookbooks?

An anticipation perhaps, or an expectation – it is those things to begin with. As their numbers rise – and certainly once it approaches double digits – it becomes more of a saturation – perhaps even an impossibility – as you realise that their sheer numbers may defeat you.

I have been watching the pile of newly published and Irish-authored cookbooks grow steadily on my kitchen table, especially over the last month or two – Gill & Macmillan having been kind enough to send review copies of several recently published titles, added to a slew of acquisitions at book launches and elsewhere, many written by friends and fellow bloggers and writers – not to mention others that I have flicked through and (somehow) resisted acquiring. Here follows a run down for anyone in the mood to expand their own collection (though perhaps not all at once).

Irish Beef Book

The description, in the Irish Beef Book, of the eye of the round, tells us that it is the shape of this cut that gives it its alternative designation – namely ‘salmon’ of beef. There is also a note about the champion Irish racehorse “said to have been named after the inevitable, unchanging main course choices offered to guests at functions held in Dublin’s Burlington Hotel.” It is perhaps no small irony, in the light of the horse meat scandal earlier this year, that ‘Beef or Salmon‘ was the name of that noted steed.

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Master Chef Factor

Food is such a personal thing.

Your desert island dish may not float my culinary boat, whilst my idea of food heaven may be your notion of hell on a dinner plate. So I truly do admire anyone who is prepared to put themselves and their food forward to be judged and publicly criticised or praised, as the case may be.

Masterchef Ireland

I was reminded of that fact as the first ever season of MasterChef Ireland kicked off last week, and a batch of 50 hopefuls submitted their dishes to be scrutinised by Michelin-starred chef Dylan McGrath and restaurateur Nick Munier. The cooking abilities of the 16 who made it through the initial round will, no doubt, be tested to their limits – and then some – over the next few weeks, and their every kitchen drama will be played out on screen as they vie for the final and not-to-be-sniffed-at prize of €25,000.

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So I’ve been baking for the past 2½ days in Ballymaloe with Rachel Allen.

Rachel Allen Bakes

Rachel Bakes

Well, when I say I, I mean myself and 60 other people, and when I say 2½ days of baking, that consisted of 3 half-day demonstration sessions with Rachel and 2 half-day practical sessions, getting down and dirty in the kitchens of the Ballymaloe Cookery School and loving it.

As a result of my endeavours, I have learned a number of things.

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