...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: aubergine

Spud Sunday: A Bake Is Born

It started simply thus: I had cauliflower in my fridge and potatoes on my mind.

My ponderings on what to make using said combination lead me first in the direction of this yellow, coconut-milky curry which, in turn, drew me to an old Thai-style favourite. The ever-present desire – nay, duty – to mix things up, potato-wise, took those thoughts and translated them into a bake, layered with potatoes and cauliflower and a coconut-milky sauce. And it was good, maybe very good, even. But my tastebuds told me that, while the cauliflower was fine, some aubergine would be even better. I, naturally, took my tastebuds’ advice.

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Potato and Aubergine Bake

Potato Aubergine Bake

So here it is then, the net result of my potatoey thought processes – not a cauliflower to be seen but, nonetheless, with cauliflower to thank for the initial inspiration.

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Ready, Steady, Click

Me: G’wan, make me something to eat.
You: Er, such as?

Me: Anything you like. Give it your best shot.
You: Anything?

Me: Yeah. Have you got a favourite killer dish?
You: Maybe, well, yeah, I guess I do.

Me: Well make me that then.
You: (looking skeptical) Umm, ok…

Me: Oh and take a picture.
You: A picture?

Me: Yeah, of you with the food.
You: Ah, g’way outta that.

Me: And put the words Cully & Sully somewhere in the picture.
You: Huh? (thinking this had better be good)

Me: …it could be worth €12,000.
You: Jaysus, where’s me camera?!! (and off you run…)

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The Meaning Of Dinner

A dinner can be many things.

Clearly it fills a functional need because we must eat to live and sometimes (maybe too often) that’s more or less all dinner gets to be. Too many people seem to lead busy, busy lives that don’t create a space for what we know dinner can and should be…

  • It can be a family or community ritual.
  • It can be a special occasion, celebratory thing.
  • It can be a manifestation of our cultural identity (as discussed in Tangled Noodle’s thoughtful posts on ethnicity and food identity, which you can read here).

And it can be a way of saying things without words.

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