...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Tag: apple (Page 3 of 4)

The Apple Of My Dreams

It would only be a slight exaggeration to say that I’ve had more apple crumbles than hot dinners.

We always had home-grown apples as kids (still do, in season) and apple with crumble topping is something I very much associate with home.

So how is it, then, that my entry for a roundup of desserts inspired by travel is an apple crumble? For, indeed, this months Sugar High Friday, being hosted by Heather at Diary of a Fanatic Foodie, has travel-inspired desserts as its theme. I guess I have some explaining to do, so here goes…

Apple crumble

The stuff of crumbly, apple-filled dreams

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Apple Grumble

This apple was pink, but no lady

This apple was pink, but no lady

See, I was trying to do the right thing by grazing on fruit instead of sweeties in work this afternoon.
With this in mind, a stash of fruit had been procured at lunchtime, among them a couple of apples of the Pink Lady variety.

As it rolled around to apple o’clock, I proceeded to munch, but very quickly stopped in my tooth-tracks. Something was off. The apple to be exact. It tasted, well, not sour, not particularly sweet, but kindof bitter. The flesh (now that I could see it) looked a shade darker than seemed quite right for an apple.

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