...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Spud Sunday: Young O’Donnell Had A Farm…

…and on that farm he grew some spuds, e-i-e-i-o.

More to the point, though, is what young Ed O’Donnell did with those potatoes. With a crunch, crunch here and a crunch, crunch there, he made crisps – and some really rather fine kettle-cooked crisps at that – a fact which I have verified by means of some, eh, selfless personal testing.

Fuelled by no small amount of determination – and featuring crisps flavoured using locally sourced ingredients, like Mt. Callan cheddar from Co. Clare and cider vinegar from Con Traas’ nearby apple farm in Co. Tipperary – O’Donnells Crisps have, since their launch in 2010, achieved an impressive level of distribution here in Ireland. You’ll find them, among other places, in SuperValu, Centra, Londis, Dunnes Stores, Superquinn and Tesco and also in Selfridges in the UK – so it’s here a crunch, there a crunch, and, really, everywhere a crunch, crunch for O’Donnells these days.

O'Donnells crisps and santa hat

And now for the best part...

The other place where you might find the crunch of an O’Donnells crisp this Christmas is in a box, delivered to your door. I have 5 such boxes to give away, and I will be resisting the temptation to eat them myself, so that I can, instead, bestow them, Santa-like, upon 5 lucky Daily Spud readers. Each will contain 20 packets of O’Donnells crisps in the readers’ flavour of choice – either mature Irish cheese and red onion, Irish cider vinegar and sea salt, or their more recently added sweet chilli flavour. Full details below.

Getting straight to the crunch:

If you fancy getting your Christmas mitts on a box of O’Donnells crunchiness, leave a comment below and let me know, flavourwise, whether you’re a cheese ‘n’ onion, salt ‘n’ vinegar or sweet chilli type of eater (or simply whether you’re salty, sweet or cheesy). Feel free, also, to speculate about the two new flavours that O’Donnells are bringing out in the new year – so secret that even I don’t know what they are yet.

I’ll pick 5 winners, and each will receive their Christmas crisp fix in the form of a box containing 20 packets of O’Donnells crisps in their chosen flavour. In a bit of good news for those living across the water, O’Donnells will deliver the prizes, not just to addresses in Ireland (either North or South), but to addresses in the U.K. as well.

I’ll leave this open until midnight GMT next Sunday, December 9th, and notify the winners of their incoming bounty of crisps thereafter.

Update 15/12/12: and so the winners have been chosen and O’Donnells crisps are winging their way to Keith Bohanna, Sara Wilson, Gareth Saunders, Imelda Kinsella and Lauren Bicocchi. Congratulations all and happy Christmas munching!


  1. Sean O'Reilly

    Definite cheese and onion man. In a sambo.

    New flavours:
    Chicken & Thyme
    A spicy variety

    Would be nice to see them join up with Ballymaloe for something.

    Pick me!

  2. Maria Flood

    Oh it would have to be salt n’ vinegar,but them I would have to share with the family! and I LOVE my crisp

  3. Rachel Casey

    Cheese and Red Onion are the winners for me. But the Scottish boyfriend whom I have converted to Irish crisps is a sweet chilli man.

    As for the new flavours…

    I like surprises ;-D

  4. Maria Flood

    Oh well it would have to be the salt & vinegar but the only problem with that is I would have to share them with the family!

  5. Audrey Burns

    ohhhhhhhhhhh cheese and onion please!!!!!!!

    wud be very happy to see new flavours out as the original flavours are all getting very boring!!

    pick me, pick me!!

  6. Aline

    I’m definitely cheesy although I can be sweet or salty also.

  7. Daily Spud

    @Sean mmm, Ballymaloe Relish crisps – I’d like to see something like that too!

    @Maria maybe you could stash a few bags away safely first and *then* share

    @Rachel I like those kinds of surprises too

    @Audrey oh dear, best get a move on with the new flavours so

    @Aline I hear ya

  8. Sara Wilson

    Would luv a box of cheese n onion for my dad for Xmas, he has been kind enough to take me and my son to his hospital appointments weekly maybe even twice a week, he drives us the 70 miles there and back and even endures the long waiting about. He likes to get to the shop at the hospital to get a packet or three of these to munch during his wait. I can never repay him for all he has done for us but a box of these would def put a smile on his face.

  9. Cindy Brickley

    I have never tried any of these, but they all sound so good. I can’t wait to see what new flavors they come out with.

  10. Daily Spud

    @Sara Dads are the best, they really are

    @Cindy and they taste as good as they sound too :)

  11. Riain Darcy

    I have often woken up in the middle of the night with a crisp craving so strong it wouldn’t wait for daylight hours. To then wander blinking and tripping over the kids toys downstairs to the kitchen cupboard to get an O’Donnells fix to only be greeted by lesser crisp brands. How much would little baby Jesus thank you for making my nocturnal crisp wanderings O’Donnells flavoured? Thanks and if you do I’m a cheese and onion man!

  12. Gemma

    I’m sweet and salty all at once – mix ’em all up in a big bowl and share. New flavours are likely to be spicy or meaty!

  13. kat

    Salt n’ Vingear all the way!! Perfect for curing those post Christmas night hangovers :)

  14. Daily Spud

    @Riain ah, the nighttime O’Donnells fix – we’ll have to see what we can do about that…

    @Gemma an O’Donnells mash-up no less – don’t believe I’ve tried that one

    @Kat well, yes, exactly

  15. emer

    I love love love cheese and onion – the perfect hangover cure! Delicious with cheddar cheese and chutney and a can of coke – i’d absolutely love to win!! My whole family would be extremely grateful :) Please please pick me!!

  16. Colum Kelly

    Salt ‘n’ vinegar are the best O’Donnell’s crisps. The thick crunch and potato starch texture combined with the sweet bitter vinegar are delicious.

    Id like to see Breakfast Rasher flavour. I’m sure there are plenty of quality farmers around the hills of Tipp that could supply the succulent bacon and continue on expanding the indigenous theme locally sourced and locally produced O’Donnell’s crisps.

    Since it is Christmas a seasonal mince pie & cream flavour which is slightly sweet from local berries, creamy and mellow from the home cooked buttery pastry would be a Christmas hamper winner.

  17. Daily Spud

    @Emer big yes to the cheddar cheese & chutney with the cheese & onion, am all over that

    @Colum my thoughts exactly re: the rasher flavour and involving local Tipp farmers – there are definitely some very fine producers of bacon in those parts; as for the mince pie & cream flavour, not entirely convinced people would go for that – though I’d certainly be curious to try them at least once anyway :)

  18. brian@irelandfavorites

    Hi Spud tell yer spudman to make barbeque flavored chips,
    Cheers Brian,
    And alas no O’donnells crisps over here.

  19. Daily Spud

    Will do Brian, and I’ll tell ’em ’twas you who said so ‘n’ all :)

  20. jacqueline dee

    I just tried the sweet chilli version and have to say they are my favourite.On potential two new flavours what about beef flavour and salmon flavour, couldn’t get more Irish

  21. Dermie's™ (@Gas_mark_seven)

    salt ‘n’ vinegar Dermie ;)

  22. Maria Noonan

    Cheese & onion every time but Sweet Chilli is my second choice! Great competition – hopeful that I’ll win :)

  23. Tash @ The Velvet Moon Baker

    I absolutely love Salt and Vinegar. Used to hate it as a child but the older I’ve become the more addicted I’ve become. Plus they’re great crushed on cupcakes (Weird i know but it really works)

  24. Gareth

    Entered already , BUT Sunday midnight cant come quick enough , Sunday midnight might be my Christmas !! :)

  25. Daily Spud

    @Jacqueline ha, beef or salmon – they could start serving up O’Donnells crisps at weddings so :D

    @Dermie duly noted

    @Maria you never know your luck :)

    @Tash crushed on cupcakes, you say? must give that a whirl…

    @Gareth winners will be picked shortly, maybe your Christmas is here – we’ll just have to see :)

  26. Colum Kelly

    Who are the winners?

  27. Daily Spud

    Hi Colum – have just been notifying the winners. Sadly your name wasn’t chosen from the proverbial hat. Will update the post with the full list of winners as soon as they have confirmed details for delivery.

  28. Gareth

    Hi I emailed you guys back :)

  29. naomi cleary graham

    I love all flavours of crisps, cheese and onion, salt and vinegar, sour cream and cheese, sweet chilli, oh the list is endless, and smokey bacon (hard to get)

  30. Carol Hughes

    I am definately a Sweet Chilli Girl, especially on a girly night in with a drink and a chat. You simply cant beat O’Donnells for flavour & crunch. Fingers & cold toes crossed!

  31. Daily Spud

    @Gareth got that email and the crisps should be well on their way to you by now!

    @Naomi, @Carol sadly the competition is done and dusted by now – might just have to do another one in the new year!

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