...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Spud Sunday: This Spud’s For You

…or rather, these spuds are for one of you.

Keoghs Hamper

Yes, hang around here long enough and you’re likely to be the proud recipient of something spud-like, in this case a hamper of goodies – including a selection of crisps and easy-cook potato family packs – from those spud innovators, Keogh’s, whose second National Potato Day – this coming Saturday, August 25th – is nigh upon us.

The full extent of the festivities for the event will be revealed in the coming days and though – lucky girl that I am – I have been privy to a sneak preview of same, I have also been sworn to official secrecy on the matter. Suffice to say, however, that there will be no shortage of splendiferous spuddery on the day. In the meantime, while you attempt to keep the inevitable excitement at bay, there are a number of things you can do:

(1) Add a comment below sometime before midnight (GMT) next Sunday, August 26th, if you’d like your name in the hat for the spuddy hamper pictured above and if you are the proud possessor of an address in the Republic of Ireland to which it can be sent. I’ll pick a winner and notify the happy recipient on Monday August 27th and the spuds and crisps and I-love-spuds paraphernalia will be on their way.

(2) Pop over to Keogh’s and sign their petition to make the spud the official national vegetable of Ireland.

(3) To be in with a chance of other goodies, check out potato.ie and enter their National Potato Day quiz – with the rather fabulous prize of a short break for two in Catherine Fulvio’s Ballyknocken House and Cookery School, which includes one night’s accommodation with breakfast, a four course dinner (with spuds I hope!) plus pre-dinner drink as well as places on a half-day weekend cookery class. Wouldn’t mind winning that little lot myself!

Update 7/9/12: Congratulations to spud fan Aoife O’Regan, who fought off stiff competition in the selection of a number from random.org to nab the Keogh’s hamper, the edible contents of which I am sure have been well eaten by now!

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Patriotic Potato Salad (with Mint & Orange Dressing)

Potato salad mint orange dressing

In honour of the aforementioned National Potato Day, I thought I’d leave you with a little patriotic something, inspired by those colours that you’ll find prominent in that Irish flag of ours.

The recipe for this is more or less in the title – newly boiled potatoes are tossed in a yoghurt-based dressing flavoured with fresh mint and orange zest, giving a salad gently flecked with the green and the orange of the tricolour.

When boiling the potatoes, do make sure that the boiling water is well salted, and add a few mint leaves and perhaps a few lightly crushed cloves of garlic to the boiling water to bring a little extra flavour to the pot.

You’ll need:

  • 6 tblsp natural yoghurt
  • 2 tblsp finely chopped mint leaves
  • 2 tsp orange juice (or more to taste)
  • 0.5 tsp orange zest
  • 1 tsp finely chopped chives (or more to taste)
  • pinch of salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 800g potatoes, preferably waxy or new potatoes, boiled or steamed until tender

You’ll also need:

  • Not a lot, really. A fork to eat it all would be handy I ‘spose.

The Steps:

  • Mix together the yoghurt, mint, orange juice and zest and chives. Season to taste with a little salt and black pepper, toss with the still-warm potatoes et voilà, you’re done.

The Variations:

  • Instead of boiled or steamed potatoes, try this dressing with roasted potato chunks instead.

The Results:

  • Serves around 4 as a side dish


  1. Lyn Smyth

    Love an oul spud – in all it’s forms!

  2. Fiona Darcy

    Love the potato salad recipe, can’t wait to try this! Fingers crossed for some goodies :)

  3. Daily Spud

    Glad to see so much potato love, folks – go on the spud!

  4. Catherine Burke

    I’m a spudaholic! Love them in every form for breki, lunch, dinner or supper! Mashed, roast, salad, french fries . . Crisps. . A Keoghs hamper would go down a treat! Good luck @ NPD

  5. Daily Spud

    Spudaholics welcome here Catherine! And we’ll see what we can do about the Keogh’s hamper… :)

  6. Josephine M

    Potatoes there is so much that you can do to make them tasty

  7. Aisling Flanagan

    Love Keoghs. That hamper would be heaven!

  8. garrett mccord

    Can’t go wrong with spuds – loving the shamrock crisps :)

  9. emer

    There is nothing better than a good old spud, baked, boiled, mashed, fried – potatoes are heaven food! I’d love to be in with a chance to win the hamper please :)

  10. Eamon

    My favoruite potato variety is Rooster

  11. Daily Spud

    I reckon Roosters have a lot of fans Eamon – and I think (judging by the other comments) that much the same thing can be said for shamrock crisps! Sure aren’t they are all, as Emer there says, ‘heaven food’ :)

  12. Judith

    I love Keoghs crisps & spuds

  13. The Duo Dishes

    Impossible for us to win, but that’s OK. Hopefully one day we’ll end up in Ireland nibbling these treats.

  14. Daily Spud

    Hey Duo Dishes – great to hear from you two! Seriously, if I could arrange to get one of these hampers to you I would – and whenever you do make it over here, I’ll make sure that there are plenty of treats for you to nibble :)

  15. Fiona

    Yummy!!! Even at 9am I wouldn’t mind that now!!! Potato cakes anyone?

  16. Daily Spud

    You makin’ potato cakes Fiona? I’ll be right over – Happy Potato Day indeed :D

  17. Tim

    I feel compelled to throw my post in the ring, as I’m just kicking myself for not seeking out an I (heart) Spuds iPhone case at the Tall Ships festival!

  18. Kaethe Burt-O'Dea

    Like this recipe! It will help me use up the abundance of mint we have growing in the Sitric Compost Community Garden in Stoneybatter! If anyone is short of some tell them to drop by and help themselves through the garden railings!

    As you know, SPUDS.IE hopes that we will all be eating more naturally blight resistant potatoes in Ireland come Potato Day 2013! We will be launching our ‘Crisps with a Conscience’ (made for us by Keogh’s) at the ELECTRIC PICNIC next weekend. All funds raised will go towards SPUDS research, supporting the sustainability of the Irish potato.

  19. Daily Spud

    @Tim: I am equally kicking myself that (due to some kind of inexplicable brain malfunction) I did not acquire an I ♥ Spuds iPhone cover for myself yesterday. It is now firmly on my spuds wishlist – practically embarrassed to be without one now.

    @Kaethe: I am *very* excited to hear about the Crisps with a Conscience – I’m due to be at the Electric Picnic myself, so you can be guaranteed that I will seek them out!

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