So what, exactly, does Irish food look like?
Sadly, according to the results returned for “Irish food” by google image search (as at the time of writing, at any rate), the picture (or rather, pictures) ain’t pretty.
Realising this, the ever-savvy folks at Bord Bia gathered together a troop of Irish food bloggers and sat them in front of the combined talents and experience of food-blogger-turned-author-turned-tv-chef Donal Skehan, food stylist to the stars, Sharon Hearne Smith, food photographer Jocasta Clarke, the original of the Irish blogger species, Damien Mulley, as well as cookbook editor and blogger at Edible Ireland, Dinner du Jour, and the Irish Food Bloggers Association, Kristin Jensen. It was a morning of chat about food photography and styling, image search and recipe writing, all aimed at helping us to present better images of Irish food to the online world.
It was also a day which saw the sharing of an impressive array of home-baked goods, many thoughtfully wrapped and with recipes attached. There was no mistaking that the people responsible were bloggers of the food variety (and very good food at that).
Needless to remark, I left the event laden with sweet treats and armed with ideas – and while I couldn’t be sure of how many I would put into action, I knew that my pursuit of good looking Irish food would continue, as would the quest for my own holy grail: the perfect Irish potato picture, be it colcannon, boxty, the crisp sandwich or something other.
I was so sad not to be able to make this and jealous of all of you able to down tools on a Friday and learn more about food photography. Thanks for sharing some details of the day here.
OM Gee. LOVE that you shared a photo of a crisp sammy! Sad I missed the day…sounds like it was fantastic. Hpfully see you soon! Imen
What a lovely way to recap the days festivities. I have not had a Tayto sandwich in years and think it is high time to right this wrong and teach the kids all about this delicacy. My favourite is your colcannon photo. It is a classic dish and full of greenness and goodness.
Lovely to have met you on Friday. I look forward to our next rendezvous . .
Sharon: Such a pity you couldn’t make it – it was a real treat to be able to spend a Friday like that…
Imen: Sorry to have missed you there and, yes, hopefully catch up soon!
Móna: Lovely to have met you too – I’m sure it will be the first meeting of many :)
Looks like so much fun! Was so sorry I couldn’t be there.
Your colcannon is lookin’ only bleedin’ gorgeous :)
Looks like you all had a great day. So sad I couldn’t make it. Next time, maybe.. Love your photos :)
Aoife: Bleedin’ gorgeous to eat too :) I reckon I’m going to have to make some more very soon…
Colette: thank you and, yes, hopefully you’ll make it next time!
Wow, so sad to have missed this and all those lovely home-made blogger treats. Thanks for sharing some of the tips….now where will I get that heat gun :)
Ha! Filipino food ranks at the top of challenging cuisines to photograph. Your photos are always beautiful and incredibly appetizing!
stasty: Sorry you missed the day too – and there was an incredible range of blogger-baked treats to choose from. Meanwhile I’m thinking that I’ll have to get me a heat gun too :D
Tangled Noodle: aw, thank you – and y’know it’s high time I tried my hand at some Filipino food – Irish adobo, anyone? :)