...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Month: September 2011 (Page 1 of 3)

Gone Cruisin’

Let me begin by saying that the idea of a cruise ship holiday has never, as it were, floated my boat.

When I travel, I like to get out and explore. The prospect of being confined to a ship, however well-appointed, and with only an afternoon here and there spent in port, along with hundreds, or even thousands of fellow passengers, has never filled me with joy.

That doesn’t mean that I’m not curious about cruise ships, though. When I was invited to take a tour of the Azamara Journey in Dublin Port recently, and to sample their food service, I did (in the name of research, you understand) go along.

Cruise liner sign

To be fair, the cruise liner in question was a lot swisher than this sign in Dublin Port
might have suggested

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The Trifle Tower

I won’t delay. It is unseasonably warm outside and, that being such a rarity in this parts, I really should take advantage, but not before leaving you with this month’s contribution to the five star makeover series.

This month’s theme called for a makeover of dishes where wine was a major ingredient. I chose that old-fashioned triumph of sponge, fruit, jelly, custard and cream, the sherry trifle.

Port trifle

My mini trifle tower

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Spud Sunday: Food, The West Cork Way

Yes, the astute among you will have observed that it is not, in fact, Sunday at all. Thanks to an abysmally flaky internet connection, this week’s installment of Spud Sunday comes to you as a later-than-usual Monday edition…

“It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” said David Puttnam.

We were talking about his having taken up residence in West Cork some 22 years ago. Then he glanced down the table towards his wife and smiled, “well, it’s the second best thing, the best was marrying Patsy…”

Either way, it was quite a statement from a man whose career has included film production credits for, among others, the Oscar-winning Chariots of Fire, and it said a lot about how locals and blow-ins alike regard this particularly captivating corner of the world.

View from Glebe Gardens, Baltimore

View from Glebe Gardens, Baltimore, West Cork

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