...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Spud Sunday: Ambassador Of Spuds

I love spuds

Yep, that says it all

So how, exactly, does one go about establishing a National Potato Day?

It seems to me that you just name a date and declare it so. At least that is what the folks from Keogh’s – who have been growing potatoes in North County Dublin for more than four generations – have done.

They have claimed next Thursday, August 25th, as a new national day of spud celebrations. To mark that day, there’ll be special offers on their potatoes in shops nationwide and, if you are in Dublin, you can join them in Merrion Square for spud-themed family games, competitions and a host of potato goodies. There will, naturally, be plenty of spuds to eat.

Of course, their earnest hope is that everyone, wherever they are, will indulge in a spud or two on the day (and might I modestly suggest that you’ll find plenty of potato recipes on these here pages if you’re stuck for inspiration).

As if all of that wasn’t exciting enough, yours truly has – wait for it – been asked to act as Chief Spud Ambassador, no less, on the day. In spud terms, I think that means that I have truly arrived.

Now, apart from being generally enthusiastic about spuds, I’m not entirely sure what the role entails, but I’ll be dropping along to Merrion Square for an hour or two next Thursday to find out. Meanwhile, you’ll find more information about the day over on Keogh’s facebook page.


  1. Móna Wise

    That is awesome. Congrats on being asked to be Chief Spud Ambassador. I cannot believe that we do not already have a National Spud Day.
    Shan’t be in Dublin for the big event but will pop over to Keogh’s page for a visit.

  2. Aine @ Something to Chew Over

    What an honour! :)

  3. Sharon Ní Chonchúir

    What better ambassador than her Royal Spudness? Congratulations!

  4. Daily Spud

    Móna: Thanks and I know, it’s hard to believe that we don’t already have a National Potato Day, but here’s to the first of many :)

    Aine: isn’t it just!

    Sharon: aw shucks, thanks a mill’

  5. Evelyne@CheapEthnicEatz

    Very cool, you have reached the summon. What will you do next? Congrats!

  6. Catherine

    Aww that really is such an honour, well done! I’ll be sure to have a few totties on the 25th!

  7. Daily Spud

    Evelyne: Gosh, not sure what comes next but I’m sure I’ll figure it out :)

    Catherine: Thanks! And I hope you mean tatties, not totties – that’s a whole other kettle of fish :D

  8. Stef

    No better woman for the job!

  9. Daily Spud

    Cheers Stef!

  10. Tracey@Tangled Noodle

    Woo-hoo! The perfect Spud was picked! Congratulations and well-deserved; you, more than anyone, has done so much to bring the beauty of the potato to those of us who thought it could only be mashed or fried. 8-)

    And look at this: I can comment again! Be prepared for a deluge of tangled comments…

  11. Daily Spud

    Hey Tracey, don’t know whether I’m more excited about the ambassadorship or the fact that you can comment again – seriously! Two equally excellent pieces of news :)

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