...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

A Short Public Service Announcement

So, I sprang an entry for Project Food Blog on you yesterday. My first.

To be honest, I feel like I sprang it on myself, too.

Anyhoo, there’s open voting on the challenge entries from now until Thursday 23rd and you (yes you) can go and vote for my challenge entry here (and, believe me, I would be honoured should you feel so inclined). You can also take a peek at my Contestant Profile where you get to see what I look like – when I don’t look like a potato, I mean…

The Daily Spud

Sure looks aren't everything...


  1. The Duo Dishes

    Thanks for your vote. If anybody’s competition, it’s you. And that’s no joke! You’ve got our vote. :)

  2. Jackie at Phamfatale.com

    So cute! You’ve got my vote :)

  3. Daily Spud

    Duo Dishes: it’s an honour to be in the mix with you two, you know that :)

    Jackie: thank you – it means a lot!

  4. Michelle

    First I had to join buzz whateveryoucallit then try and find you. After much scrolling I finally spotted the A-Z option and narrowed my search to the D section. And you know what, I finally put my brain in gear and found you under THE daily spud. So when you win by one vote – it was me wot done it. Good luck A.

  5. Daily Spud

    Thanks for your trojan effort Michelle – I’ll know it was all down to you!

  6. Catofstripes

    Ach, I wanted to vote for you, even went and hit the vote button and then Foodbuzz insisted I had to register. And I won’t, won’t, won’t.

    But I hope you win anyway.

  7. Daily Spud

    No worries Catofstripes, I appreciate it anyway!

  8. Sarah, Maison Cupcake

    Good luck! I’m off to vote now!

  9. Sophie

    I hope you will win because you alwways have the greatest & fab recipes!

    I truly mean that!

  10. Daily Spud

    Sarah: thank you so much :)

    Sophie: I know you do, that’s the best bit!!

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