...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Foraging About In The Irish Times

“Writing today in the Irish Times…”

Well now, that’s not a phrase I ever supposed I would use. In reference to myself, I mean.

However, gracing the pages of Wild Ireland, a special report on biodiversity published with today’s Irish Times, there are some words from yours truly on the food you might find in the wilds of Ireland – including dandelions, nettles, wild garlic, mushrooms, carrageen moss and blackberries.

It tops off a week that included a glorious gathering of Irish food bloggers, organised by Donal Skehan and Bord Bia, and about which you can expect a full report anon. Meanwhile, if you can’t get hold of a copy of the Irish Times, here’s what I had to say…

Dandelions in The Irish Times

Nettles in The Irish Times

Wild Garlic in The Irish Times

Mushrooms in The Irish Times

Carrageen Moss in The Irish Times

Blackberries in The Irish Times


  1. Tangled Noodle

    Congratulations! These are fantastic!

  2. Jamie

    That is so AMAZING! Love it! You should be so proud! Congrats!

  3. Foxycoxy

    Great job! (Oh how canadian that sounds) Thanks for posting the articles – I check the Times every day, but I don’t seem to get all the supplements on the interweb!! Delighted to see the carrigeen moss!! I went through a phase (which directly related to my ability to GET the moss) of using it as a cold remedy!!

  4. Caroline@Bibliocook

    Woohoo the Spud! Still haven’t made it out of the house to get my own copy of the paper so thanks for posting it online.

  5. zerrin

    Wow congrats! That’s great to see you on Irish Times. Thanks for sharing these articles here as I’m in turkey and I don’t have the chance to see it on paper.

  6. Daily Spud

    Tangled Noodle: thank you, thought you might like them :)

    Jamie: Thanks – am still pinching myself a bit!

    Foxycoxy: Well, now, if you had added in a high five, I would be getting worried that you had gone completely native on us :) I couldn’t see the supplement online, so I suspect that they only do those in print – I’ll save ya a print copy to look at when you’re home in September!

    Caroline: no prob and thank you for suggesting my name in the first place!

    zerrin: it’s a very nice way to end to the week, that’s for sure :)

  7. George@CulinaryTravels

    Absolutely brilliant. Congrats Aoife!!

  8. OysterCulture

    Awesome, can I get your autograph next time we meet up in person.

  9. Daily Spud

    George: thanks a mill’ :)

    OysterCulture: sure thing, I can write it on the napkin of the Michelin-starred restaurant we’re bound to be eating in :D

  10. Sophie

    Congratulations, daily spud!! Now, we know your real name!!

    Aoife Cox! Is that an Irish name?? I never heard this name before!!
    But I think it is a lovely stylish name!

    You do us so proud!!

  11. Chef E

    Okay…now on the count of five, run at me and I will run at your and we’ll do an Irish High Fiver in your honor! (psst- that is a pint to pint glass clink)

    Congrats dawlin, quite the writer are ya, I know I am havin some fun with it!

  12. Daily Spud

    Sophie: aw, thank you :) and yes, Aoife is indeed a very Irish name (of course Spud is a very Irish name too :D)

    Chef E: and I clink my pint glass right back atcha!

  13. sippitysup

    Hat’s Off! GREG

  14. Daily Spud

    Thanks Greg!

  15. Yeats Country Foods

    Very behind the times here Aoife but huge congratulations on these fantastic articles!

  16. Daily Spud

    Thanks a mill’ and sure better late than never – all congratulations gratefully received :) And congratulations to yourselves on more Great Taste awards for Yeats Country Foods!

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