...there's both eatin' and drinkin' in it

Spud Sunday: Grow Forth And Multiply

There comes a time in every seed potato’s life when it must leave the relative comfort of the garden shed and make its own way out in the big bad world of the garden proper. For my motley collection of seed potatoes, acquired both at home and abroad, that time had finally arrived.

Out they came, still nestled in their little egg-carton homes but all set to trade up to bigger units, ones which could accommodate their soon-to-be growing families.

Seed Potatoes

Meet the seed potatoes - the big guy up front is an Idaho spud

Make no mistake, though, things aren’t going to be easy for them out there.

And I’m not just talking about the myriad threats posed by everything from slimy slugs to Blue 13 blight. No, this year, these little guys face the prospect of a possible eviction and there’s nothing filed in gardening books under the letter E or otherwise which can tell you what to do about that.

I should explain.

It seems that I may be moving house – which really means moving garden – before most of these guys are fully mature. While I plan on farming some of my seed potatoes out to my sister’s garden, I badly wanted to keep some growing here, so this year, and for the first time, I am planting the seeds in bags. Even though many of the varieties I have may display a more vigorous pattern of growth than is necessarily suited to being thus contained, needs must. So it is that my spud bags are packed and, when time comes to move, my spuds will be coming with me, wherever that may be. It’s safe to say that my great, big, tuberous adventure just got bigger.

Potato Planting Bags

My mobile spud homes


  1. Phyllis

    I’m both excited and a bit nervous for the baby spuds! Wishing your ‘motley crue’ a properous growing season :)

  2. Sarah, Maison Cupcake

    My neighbour is gardening writer and he gave us spud bags last year, they are ideal for smaller gardens. Good luck with the move!

  3. The Diva on a Diet

    I was thinking about you this weekend, Spud, because my mom told me that when my brother came to plant in her garden last week, he found some potatoes that had grown over the winter! Apparently they did quite well too, they were huge and delicious!

    Oh dear, there’s a move in your future? Even hearing the word “move” makes me feel twitchy. I don’t like change … or packing for that matter! So nice to know your baby spuds are ready to make the trip with you if necessary.

    Who knew you could plant potatoes in bags?! (Says the un-gardening Diva! LOL)

  4. Bob

    I’m wicked jealous that you grow your own potatoes. Can’t wait to see how it goes!

  5. Daily Spud

    Phyllis: Gosh I’m a bit nervous myself – fingers crossed that they’ll get on well!

    Sarah: thanks – I know that spuds can work quite well in bags, so I’m hoping this lot do ok for me

    Diva: Funnily enough, just before I put the spud bags out, I did some digging in last years potato patch and found some spuds that had been there since last year – always nice to find! As for moving, yes, ugh, I hate the word myself and what it means too. Will just have to get over it :)

    Bob: oh I hope it goes well and that I will be able to report back here on successful progress!

  6. Tangled Noodle

    Those spud bags are cool! I remember well all the lovely plants I’ve left behind because of our many moves – so happy that you can take your spudlings with you, wherever your new place shall be.

  7. Daily Spud

    Oh TN, I’ll be leaving behind a little bit of myself when I leave this garden. Some plants will, absolutely, have to stay – I just hope that the spuds manage to make the move ok!

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